Supplementary Materials for the VisTrust submission to IEEE VIS 2023 can be found in the supplementary materials directory and include the following:
Data for the full study can be found in the data_clean.csv file within the study_data/full_Study directory.
Label of data column in data_clean.csv | Explanation of the contents of the data column |
Consent Form | Whether the participant agreed to the consent form (1 indicates a response of “I agree”) |
consent-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to agree or disagree to the consent form (in seconds) |
covid-vaccine | Whether the participant has received a Covid-19 vaccine (1 indicates a response of “Yes”) |
covid-vaccine-doses | The number of vaccines the participant has received (if they answered “Yes” to the covid-vaccines question) |
covid-infection | Whether the participant has been verifiably infected with Covid-19 (1 indicates a response of “Yes”) |
covid-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to answer the covid vaccine/infection questions (in seconds) |
intro-vis-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant viewed the visualization during the intro (in seconds) |
affect-science_1 | The participant’s rating of the visualization as Scientific (on a scale from 0-Unscientific to 100-Scientific) |
affect-clarity_1 | The participant’s rating of the visualization as Clear (on a scale from 0-Confusing to 100-Clear) |
affect-aesthetic_1 | The participant’s rating of the visualization as Pretty (on a scale from 0-Ugly to 100-Pretty) |
initial-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to answer the affect questions (in seconds) |
tour-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to complete the guided tour of the visualization (in seconds) |
simple-vlat-1 | The participant’s answer to the first visual literacy question regarding the simple visualization |
simple-vlat-2 | The participant’s answer to the second visual literacy question regarding the simple visualization |
simple-vlat-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to answer the visual literacy questions regarding the simple visualization |
moderate-vlat-1 | The participant’s answer to the first visual literacy question regarding the moderate visualization |
moderate-vlat-2 | The participant’s answer to the second visual literacy question regarding the moderate visualization |
moderate-vlat-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to answer the visual literacy questions regarding the moderate visualization |
complex-vlat-1 | The participant’s answer to the visual literacy question regarding the complex visualization |
complex-vlat-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to answer the visual literacy questions regarding the complex visualization |
explore-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to explore the visualization during the designated explore section of the study |
data-trust_1 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “The data is accurate” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
data-trust_2 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “The data is complete and does not leave out important information” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
data-trust_3 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “The data is unbiased and trustworthy” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
data-trust_4 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “I understand the meaning of this data well” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
data-trust_5 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “The data source was clearly displayed” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
data-trust_6 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “I trust this data” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
data-trust-exp | Additional comments the participant may have after completing the data trust section |
data-trust-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to complete the data trust section |
vis-trust_1 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “The visualization transparently includes all important elements of the data” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
vis-trust_2 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “I find it easy to understand this visualization” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
vis-trust_3 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “I like this visualization” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
vis-trust_4 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “I would likely share this visualization with my family, friends or on social media” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
vis-trust_5 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “I would likely use this visualization and its information in my daily life” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
vis-trust_6 | Participant’s level of agreement with the statement “I trust this visualization” (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree) |
vis-trust-exp | Additional comments the participant may have after completing the visualization trust section |
vis-trust-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to complete the visualization trust section |
interpersonal-trust_1 | Participant’s answer to the statement “Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people?” (on a scale from 1-“Most people cannot be trusted” to 7-“Most people can be trusted”) |
interper-trust-exp | Additional comments the participant may have after completing the interpersonal trust question |
interper-trust-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to complete the interpersonal trust section |
attention-check_1 | The answer ranked in position 1 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Correct answer is 5) |
attention-check_2 | The answer ranked in position 2 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant) |
attention-check_3 | The answer ranked in position 3 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant) |
attention-check_4 | The answer ranked in position 4 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant) |
attention-check_5 | The answer ranked in position 5 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant) |
attention-check_6 | The answer ranked in position 6 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant) |
attention-check_7 | The answer ranked in position 7 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant) |
attention-check-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to complete the attention check question |
trust-in-science_1 | Participant’s level of trust in political parties (on a scale from 0-“Do not trust at all” to 10-“Trust it completely”) |
trust-in-science_2 | Participant’s level of trust in the government (on a scale from 0-“Do not trust at all” to 10-“Trust it completely”) |
trust-in-science_3 | Participant’s level of trust in the police (on a scale from 0-“Do not trust at all” to 10-“Trust it completely”) |
trust-in-science_4 | Participant’s level of trust in the legal system (on a scale from 0-“Do not trust at all” to 10-“Trust it completely”) |
trust-in-science_5 | Participant’s level of trust in the news media (on a scale from 0-“Do not trust at all” to 10-“Trust it completely”) |
trust-in-science_6 | Participant’s level of trust in business and industry (on a scale from 0-“Do not trust at all” to 10-“Trust it completely”) |
trust-in-science_7 | Participant’s level of trust in scientists/science (on a scale from 0-“Do not trust at all” to 10-“Trust it completely”) |
trust-in-science_8 | Participant’s level of trust in doctors (on a scale from 0-“Do not trust at all” to 10-“Trust it completely”) |
trust-science-exp | Additional comments the participant may have after completing the trust in science section |
trust-science-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to complete the trust in science section |
cognition_1 | Participant’s response to the statement “I would prefer complex to simple problems” (on a scale from 1-“extremely uncharacteristic of me” to 5-“extremely characteristic of me”) |
cognition_2 | Participant’s response to the statement “I like to have the responsibility of handling a situation that requires a lot of thinking” (on a scale from 1-“extremely uncharacteristic of me” to 5-“extremely characteristic of me”) |
cognition_3 | Participant’s response to the statement “Thinking is not my idea of fun” (on a scale from 1-“extremely uncharacteristic of me” to 5-“extremely characteristic of me”) |
cognition_4 | Participant’s response to the statement “I would rather do something that requires little thought than something that is sure to challenge my thinking abilities” (on a scale from 1-“extremely uncharacteristic of me” to 5-“extremely characteristic of me”) |
cognition_5 | Participant’s response to the statement “I really enjoy a task that involves coming up with new solutions to problems” (on a scale from 1-“extremely uncharacteristic of me” to 5-“extremely characteristic of me”) |
cognition_6 | Participant’s response to the statement “I would prefer a task that is intellectual, difficult, and important to one that is somewhat important but does not require much thought” (on a scale from 1-“extremely uncharacteristic of me” to 5-“extremely characteristic of me”) |
need-cognition-time_Page Submit | The amount of time the participant took to complete the need for cognition section |
political_views | Participant’s identification of political beliefs (on a scale from 1-“extremely liberal” to 7-“extremely conservative”, 8-“Do not know/Refused”) |
covid_information | How much the participant actively sought out information regarding Covid-19 (on a scale from 1-“Once a day” to 5-“Never”) |
politics_time_Page Submit | The amount of time the pariticipant took to complete the politics section |
Gender | The gender of the participant (1-“Man”, 2-“Woman”, 3-“Non-binary/third gender”, 4-“Other”, 5-“Prefer not to disclose”) |
Age | The year the participant was born (in the format YYYY) |
State_1 | The U.S. State the participant currently lives in |
Education | The highest level of school / highest degree completed by the participant (1-“Maximum 12 grade no diploma”, 2-“High school graduate”, 3-“Some college but no degree”, 4-“Associate degree in college - Occupational/vocational program”, 5-“Associate degree in college - Academic Program”, 6-“Bachelor’s degree (For example: BA, AB, BS)”, 7-“Master’s degree (For example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)”, 8-“Professional school degree (For example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)”, 9-“Doctorate degree (For example: PhD, EdD)”, 10-“Other”) |
Parents_education | Whether the pariticipant’s parents have completed a bachelor’s degree (1-“One”, 2-“Both”, 3-“None”) |
Language | The language spoken at the participant’s home (1-“English”, 2-“Spanish”, 3-“Chinese”, 4-“Other”) |
Language_4_TEXT | The language spoken at the participant’s home if they answered “Other” to the previous question |
Ethnicity | The participant’s ethnicity (1-“American Indian or Alaska Native (For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Nome Eskimo Community, etc)”, 2-“Asian (For example, Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, etc)”, 3-“Black or African-American (For example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somalian, etc)”, 4-“Hispanic, Latino/a, or Chicano/a (For example, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Salvadoran, Colombian, etc)”, 5-“Middle Eastern or North African (For example, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian, Syrian, Moroccan, Algerian, etc)”, 6-“Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (For example, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc)”, 7-“White (For example, German, Irish, English, Italian, Polish, French, etc)”, 8-“Other race, ethnicity, or origin (please specify)”, 9-“Mixed race, ethnicity (please specify)”, 10-“Prefer not to disclose”) |
Ethnicity_8_TEXT | The participant’s ethnicity if they answered “Other race, ethnicity, or origin” to the Ethnicity question |
Ethnicity_9_TEXT | The participant’s ethnicity if they answered “Mixed race, ethnicity” to the Ethnicity question |
Income | The total family income of the participant’s household (1-“None or less than $4,999”, 2-“$5,000–$9,999”, 3-“$10,000–$19,999”, 4-“$20,000–29,999”, 5-“$30,000–39,999”, 6-“40,000–49,999”, 7-“$50,000–59,999”, 8-“90,000–99,999”, 9-“$100,000–109,999”, 10-“$110,000–119,999”, 11-“$120,000–129,999”, 12-“$130,000–139,999”, 13-“$140,000–149,999”, 14-“$150,000 and over”, 15-“Do not know”, 16-“Prefer not to disclose”) |
Religion | How religious the participant is (on a scale from 1-“Very religious” to 7-“Not religious at all”, 8-“Prefer not to disclose”) |
demographics_time_Page Submit | The amount of time it took the participant’s the complete the demographics section |
provenance-data | An array of the participant’s interactions with the visualization during the data trust section |
provenance-vis | An array of the participant’s interactions with the visualization during the vis trust section |
provenance-tour | An array of the participant’s interactions with the visualization during the guided tour section |
provenance-explore | An array of the participant’s interactions with the visualization during the explore section |
isCovidData | Whether the participant was shown a visualization of Covid-19 data (1 indicates “Yes”) |
complexity | The visual complexity of the visualization shown to the participant (e.g., simple, moderate, complex) |
chartType | The chart type of the visualization shown to the participant (e.g., bar, line) |
need_for_cognition | Aggregate score for the participant based on their responses to the need for cognition section |
brushed | Whether the participant used the brush filter (only applies for complex visualizations) |
explore_interactions | Aggregated list of explore interactions for the participant |
hover_interactions | Aggregated list of hover interactions for the participant |
total_hover_time | The total amount of time the participant hovered over a visualization element |
avg_hover_time | The average amount of time the participant hovered over a visualization element |
explore_time | The total amount of time the participant spent exploring the visualization |
explore_active_time | The amount of time the participant spent actively exploring the visualization |
vlat_simple | Participant’s overall score on the visual literacy test for the simple visualization |
vlat_moderate | Participant’s overall score on the visual literacy test for the moderate visualization |
vlat_complex | Participant’s overall score on the visual literacy test for the complex visualization |
assigned_vlat | The visualization that was shown to the participant |
ordinal_complexity | The visual complexity of the visualization shown to the participant (1-“simple”, 2-“moderate”, 3-“complex”) |