Upon Arrival ======================== School-related ---------------- - Wifi `(Harvard Secure) `_ - `Harvard ID office `_: get ID and fas email - Office Keys and Card Access - If Maxwell-Dowrkin (MD): - contact Michaela (michaela@seas.harvard.edu) MD 353 for application - visit Jason Ortega @Pierce Hall G3E to pick up your key - Elif Northwest Building (NW): - visit NW building management office (first floor) to get two fill out forms: room entrance and building entrance - visit Suzanne Montgomery @NW249.40 for signature - visit NW building management office to pick up your key - `Register HarvardKey `_ - `Request SEAS email `_ - SEAS IT will change your HavardKey account from fas email to seas email - on HarvardKey website, “Manage Your Account & Services” -> login -> “Synchronize Password” - `Printing at SEAS `_ Group-related (long-term ppl) ------------------------------ - VCG google drive - request access from Michaela - add your personal information: `Group Information/VCG - Group Information `_ - VCG website - add yourself to the VCG people list (ask `Fritz `_) Misc ----------- - Mail: Find your mail in the Pfister Mailbox slot on 2nd level of MD on your right hand side walking up the stairway. - Email client - `Browser access `_ - `Thunderbird access `_ (replace stanford with harvard) - `Others `_ - `Adobe Software `_ - `Commuter Choice `_ - Harvard University ID Discounts - Free Entrance to all Harvard museums - Free Entrance to the Museum of Fine Arts, Institute of Contemporary Arts and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. (Note:The discounts for non-Harvard museums might only be valid if your ID says student on it).